Posts tagged 2019
Challenge #22 - Creating Cinematic Photos

In February we had a movie night to dissect some classic films with incredible cinematography. Have you ever wanted to create the kind of emotion you find in moving pictures- in your photography? That’s what we are working on with this challenge! Practice this in your own photography. See if you can add emotional depth and cinematic visuals to your personal project. Bring in images from your personal project to receive feedback on.

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Challenge #20 - Mimic to Mastery PT II 'The Series'

‘Mimic to Mastery PT II ‘ The Series’

Now that we have found a photographer and a style that was interesting to us- let’s work in this new way and continue to explore what we have begun to learn. This month we will focus on creating a series of work in the style of the photographer we researched last month. This challenge will result in a series of work. 3-6 images that compliment one another/tell a story/or the like.

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Challenge #18 - Archi Texture


There are all sorts of manmade structures around us. Let’s really look at them this month. Begin to explore the created shapes, textures, lines, colors and relationships of the world around us. Look for new angles, dimension, interest in what seems familiar or mundane even. Unless of course you prefer the amazing… just explore!

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Challenge #17 - Colab

“Photo Colab”

To have the opportunity to work with another photographer. Get to know someone else, learn about each other's work style. Figure out how to be photographers together for this challenge! What does collaboration with another photographer look like to you? Maybe you each learn something new from one another or just learn one another. Step out, reach out and be a little adventurous… make a friend!

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