PCPDX Club Room

Exclusive Content for Annual Members


Why should I become a PCPDX annual member?

PCPDX is a unique community of photographers built on the pillars of collaboration, education, and creativity. We create a supportive environment to try new techniques, speak about our photography, and critique each other’s work. We love photography, and want to push our own boundaries, enhance our skills, and get closer to our unique visions.

As a member of PCPDX, you are a part of our community. You will gain access to all that we offer and what we are yet to create! As a member you will have the opportunity to voice your desires and hopes for where you would love to see Photo Club reach to the future. Wether that is a location, an adventure, or a project we have *MO meetings a few times a year. When dreaming meets doing!

We try to keep our booklet and charts up to date but sometimes things change quickly. Please use these as a guideline. Any new updates are communicated in each meeting as well.

*MO-Members Only


We are in the process of continuing to update the membership booklet and our FAQ’s due to COVID-19. Beaware that some activities are on hold until COVID is no longer a issue.