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Members Only 'After-Hours' with Zeb Andrews

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PCPDX Members Join Us!

Don't pass up the opportunity to chat with Zeb Andrews about his photography and ask him questions! He is setting this time aside specifically for Photo Club PDX Members!

Friday September 18th 7-8PM PST

Members find the Link in the Club Room Calendar

If you would like to see Zeb’s ‘Picture, Picture’ Episode you can find it on our homepage!

Become a member if you would like to join! We do this monthly with all of our ‘Picture, Picture’ Speakers! If you are passionate about photography, this is always still more to learn and be inspired by!

All members will get an invitation right to your inbox with the zoom link included!
This is for you, Members, don’t miss out.

The past presentations are live on the homepage of our website.


The Photographer: Zeb Andrews
The Photographs: Holgaramas

Follow Zeb:

About Zeb:
Zeb Andrews has lived his entire life in the Pacific Northwest, wandering its trails and photographing every opportunity he gets.  His day job is at Blue Moon Camera and Machine, a pretty awesome camera shop if he does say so himself.  Working at a camera store has led him down many adventurous paths in his photography and inspired him to try many different cameras and films over the years.  While his work is as varied as his curiosity, he has carried around a Holga for over a decade and found numerous ways to put that simple plastic camera to good use.  One series of images he has created with this camera he calls Holgaramas, and they involve using multiple shots across an entire (or more than an entire) roll of film, piecing the individual frames together like a puzzle to create images in ways he cannot do with single frames.  Having added to this collection over several years, he has had time to refine both his technique in making them as well as his thoughts regarding his motivations behind these Holgaramas and what they have taught him about the process of photography.

Make Your Photos. Find Your Passion.

Earlier Event: September 12
'Picture, Picture' Featuring: Zeb Andrews