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Meeting: 'Picture, Picture' Featuring: Zach Hayes

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‘Picture, Picture’
The Photographer Behind the Photos

Episode 3 Featuring: Zach Hayes
Oregon based Astro Photographer

Watch episode 3 featuring Zach Hayes!


The Photographer: Zach Hayes
The Photographs: Astro Photography

Follow Zach:

About Zach:
“Most photographers can be serious about light and chase the “good light” charging towards crepuscular rays, waiting for the perfect sunset, or scrambling for alpenglow; working between Sunrise and Sunset. Zach Hayes prefers to work from Sunset to Sunrise...

I’ve always been intrigued by the sky. A handful of experiences enhanced this love, and my formal education solidified it. One of the earliest was a hunting trip with my father, we woke up before sunrise to hike out. It was cold and dark. Walking silently through the woods we came to a clearing just as a shooting star streaked from one horizon to the other. It was the first I had ever seen. I gasped and was quickly hushed by my father. We sat at the edge of the clearing waiting for the sun to rise, but I just kept staring up watching as the different colored stars twinkled and hoped to see another shooting star.

I try to harness this same aww in my photographs. Mixing natural and man-made features to set the scale for the sky. Born and raised in the Portland area, making images of the sky has been an increasingly difficult task as urban sprawl, cheap LED lighting, and erratic weather force me to travel further and further to find “good light” in “dark” locations.”

Before the virtual meeting:

RSVP HERE. This is how you will find the info needed to join the Zoom meeting. If you would like to get the invite directly in your inbox, subscribe to our newsletter.

Download Zoom onto your computer in advance. Make sure you have a mic and speaker set up to participate. Heads up, everyone is muted upon entering. Just touch the space bar to talk.

About our new online series, ‘Picture Picture’

Virtual events have their benefits! We can stretch far and wide to bring in photographers that inspire us. We will be hosting ‘Picture, Picture’ events once a month in place of our meetings and outings until COVID clears. Once we get back to monthly in-person meets and outings, we will continue to host this series as an online event to embrace our extended photographic community.

Due to COVID-19

We do ask if you find this series valuable please consider becoming a member or contributing what you choose via our website or the $CASH app. As a business, we still have expenses and without our monthly, in-person events our club is running a bit low on funding. Thank you to those who helped us get through our hefty website bill on June 1st! The website is our main source of resources and communication online. We wouldn't be able to run our club as we do without it. Thank you!

Important Notes

Monthly Meeting Contributions are a minimum of $10 for non-members & visitors. Feel free to contribute in advance using our $CASH app. only. Just add the meeting date in the subject line. 

Annual Membership Options
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Make Your Photos. Find Your Passion.